As counsellors, we have the privilege of supporting all our students through well-being initiatives in which we work very closely with teachers and school leaders. We are committed to encouraging and supporting all students to be their best selves by adopting a positive psychology approach which involves exploring “what is right’’ and recognising students’ character strengths and helping them to use them in new ways and, in the process, making them feel heard, seen and appreciated for who they are.
We do not diagnose or provide psychotherapy – instead we work to provide temporary support to help students overcome issues which may be having an impact on their school performance. In this sense, we are a resource just like the school nurse, who is here to provide help but would seek external assistance for more serious problems. We are able to provide a list of outside agencies, including family therapy and mental health counsellors, if you ever need them.
A school counsellor provides emotional support, and works alongside students, teachers and parents to teach problem-solving and coping skills in a safe and confidential setting. The latter is an important aspect in establishing a trusting relationship with students. Generally 1-on-1 sessions last 30 minutes and are arranged across different subjects so that there is minimal disruption to the students’ learning.