Student Life
The aim of the Student Life department, consisting of the HOD Student Life, the Secondary 1 through to DP2 Year Head’s and the Form Tutors (FT’s) and DP Mentors, is to support the holistic development of each and every student.
As part of the Student Life process, transition orientation days take place when students move from Primary 6 through to Secondary 1 and Secondary 4 into the Diploma Programme. S1 and DP orientations provide students with an opportunity to explore the school and their associated programmes, meet their teachers (which are often new to them) and develop friendships with their peers, both new and old. For new students, the Year Head (Student Integration) alongside their in class buddies will support students as they settle into SISHK and learn the ropes.
Students are provided with a wealth of support and guidance mechanisms through the Form Tutor Interaction (FTI) programme which aims to enhance their personal development. Student- teacher 1:1’s offer an opportunity for teachers and students to work together, not only improving the teacher-student relationship but acting as an opportunity for students to gain specific and personal feedback relating to their progress. Each Form Class has a weekly scheduled time for bonding, strengthening the relationships students have with their peers in a wide range of activities. FT’s and DP mentors take this opportunity to explore the students’ hobbies and sharing of their interests. As students undertake their journey through the school, FTI sessions are pivotal to providing students with all the necessary information they need to move through school on a day to day basis.
The introduction of the termly Student Life Survey allows the FT’s, DP Mentors and Year Head’s to gain feedback from and support students further, providing strategies, skills, coping tools and opportunities for students to showcase their talents, interests and hobbies to ensure they have a positive student experience. Furthermore the new Student Life e-Books are available for use for Students and Parents in AY2223 to explore everything the school has to offer including scholarships and talent development award applications, academic subjects, S2/S4 transition information, leadership opportunities, annual outdoor activity camps, CCA’s, peer support and student well-being plus much more. We do hope they give students a taste of what being an SISHK Student Life is like. The Student Life e-Books are working documents and will be updated periodically across the academic year.
Student Management
Discipline helps a child solve a problem to change their behaviour long term, allowing them to grow and flourish as a bridge between goals and accomplishments. At SISHK, our Disciplinary philosophy is based upon the premise of ‘Discipline with Dignity’ providing a positive and supportive approach to ensure students acknowledge and learn from their mistakes (demonstrated through actions and behaviours). Students are provided with time to put forth their account, reflect, give back should they need to through community service, and work closely with their Form Tutor, Year Head and the Student Well-being team to enhance skills related to self-regulation, time management, organisation and more. The approach provides a student-centered learning environment, treating all individuals as equals, with mutual respect and in a way which allows students to take ownership of their actions and consequences moving forward.